General Terms
(a) I/We hereby apply for membership of the National Employers' Association of South Africa, and agree to abide by the constitution and rules of the Association, as well as any decision and/or resolution that the General Meeting or the Executive Committee may take from time to time.
(b) I/We hereby release the Association, it's office bearers, officials and members from any liability or claims in respect of any action committed in the execution of their responsibilities.
(c) I/We truly affirm that the content of this application form to be true and correct.
(d) This agreement binds the member for a minimum period of three (3) months, after which the member must give NEASA thirty (30) calendar days written notice should the member wish to cancel the agreement.
(e) Where applicable, payment for a disciplinary hearing, conciliation or arbitration must be paid to NEASA at least seven (7) days prior to any proceedings.
(f) The above fees do not apply for proceedings beyond finalisation of a matter at the CCMA or a bargaining council.
(g) It is the responsibility of the member to inform the NEASA regional office of the date of any pending matter at least seven (7) days prior to the date of said process, failing which NEASA cannot guarantee the availability of an official.
(h) Where applicable, board and lodging expenses, not exceeding R 750 per night, will be levied.
(i) The fee structure is based on initial information iro employees and case load provided by the member. NEASA reserves the right to review the fee structure in its sole discretion at any time should it become apparent that the information provided by the member was incorrect or where the circumstances of the member has changed.
(j) NEASA reserves the right to increase the monthly and/or additional fees of the member, by an inflation related rate, every 12 months from date of registration.
(k) I hereby consent to NEASA disclosing my information to its third party service providers.
(l) Travel will be charged at a rate of R 3,50 per km for gold package members in respect of any travel outside of a radius of 25 km from the closest NEASA office.This restriction will not apply to gold members within the areas of Greater Johannesburg, Pretoria, City of Cape Town and Durban.
(m) One (1) membership package upgrade or downgrade is permitted every 12 months from date of registration, unless written confIrmation has been obtained from NEASA Head Office.
Agreement Terms
Abbreviated short name as registered with the acquiring bank: NEASA. Refer to our contract reference number (“the Contract Reference Number”):
I hereby authorise NEASA to issue and deliver payment instructions to your banker for collection against my abovementioned account at my abovementioned bank on condition that the sum of such payment instructions will not differ from my obligations as agreed to in the Contract Reference Number.
The individual payment instructions so authorised must be issued and delivered on the date when the obligation in terms of the Agreement is due and the amount of each individual payment instruction may not differ as agreed to in terms of the Agreement.
I agree that the first payment instruction may be issued and delivered from the "Start Date" and thereafter regularly on the 1st of each month to the amount specified in the "Contract Amount" or any variable amount due under this agreement.
If however, the date of the payment instruction falls on a non-processing day (weekend or public holiday) I agree that the payment instruction may be debited against my account on the following business day; or subsequent payment instructions will continue to be delivered in terms of this authority until the obligations in terms of the Agreement have been paid or until this authority is canceled by me/us by giving you notice in writing of not less than the interval (as indicated in the previous clause) and sent by prepaid registered post or delivered to your address indicated above.
I/we acknowledge that all payment instructions issued by you shall be treated by my/our abovementioned bank as if the instructions had been issued by me/us personally.
I/we agree that although this authority and mandate may be cancelled by me/us, such cancellation will not cancel the Agreement. I/we also understand that I/we cannot reclaim amounts, which have been withdrawn from my/our account (paid) in terms of this authority and mandate if such amounts were legally owing to you.
I/We acknowledge that this authority may be ceded or assigned to a third party if the Agreement is also ceded or assigned to that third party.